Something About Me

Development has been the most satisfying field of work that I have explored. My education started in Cybersecurity focusing mainly on router configuration, but after getting my degree the enthusiasm just wasn't what I hoped it would be. Exposure to development in my education encouraged me to seek more knowledge in my spare time, and from the enjoyment and sense of accomplishment that I received I knew that I wanted to develop! I've come a long way from my first custom Myspace page or "Hello World" app in Java, but there is always more to learn and I can't wait to see what I'm capable of in the future.

Acquired Skills

An ongoing list of some of the abilities I have learned over the years

Logical Reasoning

Breaking down the task at hand into manageable pieces and verifying the functionality of each piece before moving onto the next.


Data Navigation

Ensuring that data is passed throughout the application as logically as possible, and is easily accessible whenever needed.


Framework Utilization

Utilizing Web Frameworks to optimize web applications in a way that is organized, efficient, and legible.


Node Structure

Implementing a proper hierarchy of nodes allowing the page to function properly, keeping styling in mind.



Applying styling rules to the nodes of a page in order to to create a pleasant and easy to read user interface.


Framework Utilization

Making use of front end frameworks to create more robust and reactive styles of a page to ensure compatibility.


Web Server Implementation

Implementing a web server to host and display web applications keeping in mind security and availability.


Database Management

Creating a database and ensuring that the web application can create, read, update, and delete effectively.


Anything Else

Learning new solutions to problems are always enjoyable and rewarding. New skills are always welcome!